Tag Archive | Juvenile Fiction

Watch The Stonebridge Ghost Tales short video trailer

Watch the short video trailer overview for the award-winning juvenile fantasy series The Stonebridge Ghost Tales by Roberta Hoffer. [Links go to an ad-free, mobile-friendly safe website.] • READ ABOUT THE SERIESWATCH VIDEO

The Stonebridge Ghost Tales video

The Ghost of Stonebridge Lane Earthshine Award Winner

THE GHOST OF STONEBRIDGE LANE (Book 1 of The Stonebridge Ghost Tales juvenile fantasy series by Roberta Hoffer) has been named the Earthshine Book Awards 2017 Winner for Tween Supernatural. | Read about the book and find sales links | Go to series Facebook page |

Find The Stonebridge Ghost Tales on Facebook

Check out The Stonebridge Ghost Tales juvenile fantasy series by Roberta Hoffer page on Facebook. Read about the titles in the series, follow events and updates, and find sales links.  GO TO FACEBOOK SERIES PAGE…

Welcome “The Ghosts of Stony Manor”

ghostsofstonymanor800x1200It’s here and it’s waiting to be read. Click here to read about THE GHOSTS OF STONY MANOR and to find sales links. You will find every venue in which to order the book to complete your set of The Stonebridge Ghost Tales series. Let me know what you think of the awesome cover by Madison Gaines. By the time you finish the book you will love gargoyles! READ MORE…


Christmas is just around the corner!

038Hi everyone! We all know Christmas is just a few weeks away. We’re all looking for the perfect gifts for our loved ones. Some are easy to shop for while others can strain your brain searching for a truly unique and original idea. If you have children you are buying for, why not consider a book? The art of reading a printed book has nearly taken a backseat to the more digital world of e books and readers. I was born into a world (many, many years ago) in which there weren’t any such creatures as iPads, iPhones, or Kindles. Holding a book, even smelling the ink-printed pages, gives a certain comfort where an electronic device lacks. Don’t get me wrong, I have all of the above mentioned devices. All of my books are offered in an ebook version if that is what you truly prefer. Everyone has their own form of reading comfort. It’s all what you get used to. Remember, I am from the pre-electronic age and I just prefer a book in hand and how it feels to turn the pages.

If you are looking for a story that will keep the interest of your 8-12 year olds, THE GHOST OF STONEBRIDGE LANE will fill their need. I have even had adults read this chapter book and they can’t say enough how much they enjoyed the heart-warming story. And don’t forget, Book II of The Stonebridge Ghost Tales entitled THE GHOST OF THE FROZEN NORTH will be coming out in the early spring and then Book III THE GHOSTS OF STONY MANOR is due n late 2015.  NAKITA’S BIG QUESTION offers colorful illustrations and a story that will keep the interest of a young reader or preschooler. There is still time to get these books for Christmas but don’t delay. This special day is creeping up faster than we realize.

Click on the specific pages to the right of this post for links to purchasing these age-appropriate books for your child or grandchild for Christmas. I know you or your child/grandchild will not be disappointed.